FA-GAN: face augmentation GAN for deformation-invariant face recognition


Substantial improvements have been achieved in the field of face recognition due to the successful application of deep neural networks. However, existing methods are sensitive to both the quality and quantity of the training data. Despite the availability of large-scale datasets, the long tail data distribution induces strong biases in model learning. In this paper, we present a Face Augmentation Generative Adversarial Network (FA-GAN) to reduce the influence of imbalanced deformation attribute distributions. We propose to decouple these attributes from the identity representation with a novel hierarchical disentangle- ment module. Moreover, Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are applied to recover geometric information by exploring the interrelations among local regions to guarantee the preservation of identities in face data augmentation. Extensive experiments on face reconstruction, face manipulation, and face recognition demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization ability of the proposed method.

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
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Xin Ma
Xin Ma

I’m a Ph.D canditate at Monash University. My research interests include image super-resolution and inpainting, model compression, face recognition, video generation, large-scale generative models, etc